Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jonah's Birthday

Jonah didn't want me to post this event but how could I resist. He only gets better with each year and besides, this blog is supposed to be about our family and not just the princess.

Jonah finally got an ipod and has been having lots of fun finding new songs, making playlists and deleting almost all of the music I loaded for him (I don't understand why he wouldn't want Celine Dion blaring in his ears!) That last comment was intended as a joke, it was a mistake on my part but I still got a good laugh out of it. For the first two days he had the ipod every time he turned it on the song "Taking Chances" from her latest album would start.

We had to invest in the Nike armband for the gym. Jonah REALLY didn't want me to put this picture up, but I love that he enjoyed his gifts. He also received a racquetball racket and goggles which he has been putting to good use with friends from I wish I had pictures of that!

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