Friday, January 23, 2009

Cat's 30th Birthday

I don't normally post our day-to-day events but this I had to share. First, to everyone who has asked what I currently look like, here you go! Being pregnant with a boy is so very different (for me) than being pregnant with a girl. At this point in my pregnancy with Addie I was not small (yes, I am being nice to myself today). This little man seems to just suck everything out of me!

Cat is one of my best friends from college and while we don't see each other as much as we would like we are always quick to pick up where we left off. She and her family have always been amazing to us and we were so excited to share in her family birthday.

The best part of this visit was getting to see our growing bellies side-by-side. Cat and I are due 3 weeks apart and we are so excited that our kids will be so close. We are convinced that they are having a girl and our little boy will be able to show her the ropes!

This is yet another glimpse of God's perfect plan, they like us struggled to get pregnant and it is such awesome timing that we are going through this together. We have shared lots of tears and will now share lots of memories!!!

Addie is getting to the age where she is understanding the different things she attends, this was no exception. When she heard "party" she was ready to go and had no problem posing for the camera.

1 comment:

J said...

Julie, you look so beautiful with your bump. I am blessed to share this experience with you. I love you madly and am thankful to have you as a friend!