This Christmas was so much fun! The video is priceless and very rare to catch Addie in such a good mood when the camera is present. I think she was overwhelmed with all of the festivities but it is such fun to see her starting to understand holidays!
Addie had to wait on our bed for Papa and Gaga to arrive so she could see what Santa brought.

Santa arrived with an easel and art projects in tow...for anyone with small kiddos I highly recommend the Melissa & Doug company. They have all sorts of toys and projects which are fairly easy to assemble (YEAH!) and very kid friendly. Next came lots of gifts for the whole family...some of Addie's favorites so far are her webkinz from her cousins, a soccer ball which she wants to bounce most of the time, (We are eagerly awaiting some dry conditions outside to show her the difference.) a sushi set for her kitchen...too cute, a DJ Soundboard which I can't even begin to describe except to say we will never be in silence again, and the tent which Addie calls her house.

Jonah and his new Giants hat...
Gertie was in on all of the fun as well...
We always miss family during the holidays with everyone scattered across the country but we are so blessed to have my parents near by to share the days!
We love you all and can't wait for 2009!
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